The List

1. Mark Twain - Adventures of Huckelberry Finn
2. Sinclair Lewis - Elmer Gantry
3. Erskine Caldwell - Tobacco Road
4. Ernest Hemingway - For Whom the Bell Tolls
5. Francis Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
6. Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
7. Joseph Heller - Something Happened
8. E.L. Doctorow - Ragtime
9. John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath
1O. J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye
11. Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales
12. William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet
13. George Orwell - Animal Farm
14. Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
15. Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island
16. Jerzy Kosinski - The Painted Bird
17. Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Grey
18. John Irving - The World According to Garp
19. D.H. Lawrence - Lady Chatterley's Lover
2O. William Faulkner - Wild Palms

+++ As regards poetry, I adore Gerald Manley Hopkins +++

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