Karen Armstrong

There's a wonderful story told about Auschwitz that one night the Jews sat with their rabbis and put God on trial. And this is a God who's supposed to look after His people, who is supposed to be full of compassion for the human race, supposed to be all powerful. And they look around this unfolding horror. And they judge God worthy of death and put Him to death. And then the rabbi says that "God is dead, and it is now time for the evening prayer." And that is a profound religious moment, I think, which is God is inexpressible, incomprehensible, undefinable by us. Ideas about God can live and die. But the prayer, the struggle to understand, even in the darkest moments of life, that effort continues and makes us human.

(vybráno zvláště pro Alí, třeba to přeloží za mě {:~}- kdo ví...)

Alí se narodilo druhé děcko!
Tak to povídaní od Karen mu
v dobré víře místo "křtu"...

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